Open Source and XBRL

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Contents Open community of practice for filing and XBRL (Editor's choice)

XBRL Open Source links plus Author/Coordinator and last update

This is a link to open source projects on relating to XBRL, many of which are XBRL processors:

Guideline for Public administrations on Procurement and Open Source Software (updated June 2010)

The acquisition of (open-source) software. A guide for ICT buyers in the public and semi-public sectors (17-03-2008)

Is a Lack of Open Source hindering XBRL adoption? (by Diane Mueller, 2008-10-29)

CENATIC study about the current state of open source tools in XBRL (April 2008)

The objective of this study (download here) is to analyze the feasibility of promoting XBRL in open source software that can be effectively integrated into the reporting tools used by local authorities under the cover of the possible creation of a XBRL community developers, bringing together users, regulators and technology providers, in order to develop components that provide XBRL functionality required.

Nowadays, there is no standard format for the companies in order to send their information, or an open-source software that facilitates its use in a simple and direct way. Therefore, XBRL –open, standard and royalty-free language-, is an electronic format to consider for implementation of IT within CENATIC objective of fostering the establishment of common standards in the use of open technologies to simplify their use and optimize resources.

CENATIC is the Spanish National Reference Centre for the Application of Information and Communication Technologies based on open source

XBRL and Open Source: Where Are We? (by Brian DeLacey, 2006-12-06)

Guideline for public administrations on partnering with free software developers (2005)

European Commission, Enterprise Directorate General. IDA/GPOSS: Encouraging Good Practice in the use of Open Source Software in Public Administrations